Wednesday, February 5, 2014

adventures as of late!

Well the holidays have come and gone, as has the worst month of the entire year, in my opinion anyways. January is just long and cold and never seems to end, but finally its over! And we're on to the month of love.

The holidays were pretty good for us. We're trying to switch off between our families, but we'll see how long it will last. This year, we had Thanksgiving in Oregon with David's family, and Christmas with mine. Both were wonderful. We got to go to a duck football game, which was awesome. There's just something about college football that I absolutely love. It's probably what I miss most about college, is the discounted tickets for the games.

Christmas was good, we got spoiled rotten with lots of presents. :) I had to work a lot of the break, but we were able to go see my family for a couple of days, we also got to talk to this young man :) I can't believe he's been in Africa for a year and a half! Its so weird to me, but he's doing so well, and it was way awesome to talk to him.

Also, we got some super exciting news- after a long and grueling 6 months of applications and interviews, David has been accepted in Midwestern University Dental School in Glendale, AZ! We are over the moon excited. Especially me, I've lived in Provo now going on 6 years, which is the longest I've really lived anywhere so it'll be a nice change of pace, and it will be warm! All the time! David and I clash here a little bit. He grew up in the rain and I grew up in a desert, so the sun is basically the best thing ever and he's not a fan. But I keep telling him that he'll grow to love it. :)
He'll officially graduate in June from BYU and we'll be off sometime after that!

But since we're leaving the snow, we decided to go up to Midway this last weekend to see the ice castles! I had no idea what to expect, I had just heard of a ton of people going, and it sounded pretty cool, and it was! Just towering ice walls made up of icicles that you got to walk through, they even had an ice slide, but I was too scared to go, David did though, I think he had fun. :)


And that pretty much brings us up to date! For Christmas David got me tickets to go see Tim McGraw and Faith Hill in Las Vegas over Valentines Day weekend, so I'm so super stoked for that! I'll definitely be back to brag about it in a few weeks!

Until next time!!